Mystery, NH Settlement in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Mystery, NH

Nestled on the eastern side of Mystery Mountain in southern New Hampshire is the eponymous town of Mystery, a sleepy New England town on the surface, but concealing strange depths known only to a few.   Mystery was founded in the mid-1700s by the Hale family, well known for their involvement in the Revolutionary War on the side of the colonies, leading to Col. Josiah Hale becoming the first magistrate of Mystery after independence. The Hales owned logging and mining interests in town, and the family’s legacy includes Hale College, a prominent local institution of higher learning (and home to the Hale Highlanders football team). “Hale House,” the family’s estate built in the early 1800s, is situated on a large plot of land not far from what is now the center of town.   Since the decline of its forestry and mining industries, Mystery’s economy has been driven primarily by education and tourism. Hale College sees an influx of students each Fall, and relations between “town and gown” are occasionally tense: the locals often find Hale students crass troublemakers, while students at the college (especially moneyed transplants) consider the locals backwards townies. Nearby Mystery Mountain sees plenty of hiking in the summers and skiing in the winters; the occasional disappearance is usually chalked up to accidents, bad weather, or wild animal attacks, and kept quiet by the local police department, so as not to cause any bad publicity.
Mystery makes an excellent setting for an M&M series or adventure using resources from the Supernatural Handbook. The town can be home to rogue teenage werewolves, a coven (or more) of witches, a Colonial-descended cult worshipping Elder Things from the Dawn of Time, underground “mole people,” a lone wizard or mad scientist, or all of these and more! Mystery Mountain might well be the site of an ARCADE base operating in or near the town.   Mystery can also play host to a more conventional superteam, perhaps a group of “Mystery Men” based out of the mountain, or investigating strange happenings in and around the area. Some of them might even be students or faculty at Hale College in their civilian identities.   Lastly, Mystery could be the site of a top-secret government or corporate research center, with Mystery Mountain concealing an underground complex of some sort. What are they researching? Could be anything from extradimensional exploration to a study of the arcane in all of its forms. Whatever the case, it’s sure to attract attention and be in need of some heroic help at some point.

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