Michael O'Connor Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Michael O'Connor

Senator Michael O'Connor, Jr.

Michael O’Connor, Jr. is an unlikely hero for Freedom City. His father was secretly the Freedom Eagle, a member of The Liberty League in the 1940s and ’50s. After he retired, the elder Mike O’Connor made a fortune as an engineer and inventor. That fortune sent his son to the finest schools to earn an MBA and take over the family business.   However, being born with advantages didn’t spoil Michael. He appreciated the opportunities he had in life and understood not everyone was so fortunate, which led him to volunteer work with various charities. He become well known in Freedom City for altruistic causes and interest in local politics, but the Moore City Hall was too set in its ways to allow for the kind of changes Michael wanted to see.   After years as a successful businessman before and after his father’s retirement, Michael became fed up with the corruption of the city government. In late 1991, he decided to run for mayor against the corrupt Franklin Moore. Despite efforts to discredit him politically and even death threats, O’Connor’s integrity proved impeccable. His “No Moore!” campaign won over the people, and O’Connor promised to restore to the city the vision it had lost. Although attempts were made on his and his family’s lives, he persevered and won the election by a landslide.   O’Connor served as Freedom City’s most popular mayor for well over a decade, winning reelection every time, until he decided he could do more for the city and the country on a larger stage. He left the mayor’s office to run for U.S. Senate and won, leaving behind a Freedom City that was more prosperous, secure, and successful than he had found it. Some speculate whether or not Senator O’Connor’s political ambitions have been satisfied, and wonder if he will eventually run for President. The Senator has made no comment on the question, preferring to focus on his current responsibilities. He’s a strong advocate for progressive policies in the Senate and a supporter of the work of both AEGIS and America’s superheroes, including the Freedom League.   Michael O’Connor is in his 50s, six feet tall, and still in excellent shape. His dark hair is neatly trimmed and graying at the temples, and his green eyes have a magnetic quality to them. Senator O’Connor is unmarried and is listed on top “eligible bachelors” lists. He attends social functions in the company of various ladies, but hasn’t had a serious romantic relationship in some time. His work is Michael’s first love, and it remains to be seen if any woman can ever eclipse it in his heart.

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