Max Item in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The drug known as “Max” is actually a derivative of the rare Manaka Root, which granted the legendary Minuteman and The Patriot their powers. A research scientist who helped develop the Patriot Formula sold the research in the early 1950s to cover gambling debts. Experiments by a front company for The Labyrinth eventually came up with a less effective, synthetic, version of the drug that was also highly addictive.   The black market and organized crime were far less concerned about side effects and focused on the ability to create short-term super-powered thugs. The government and law enforcement are aware of the original source of Max, although the general public doesn’t know government research helped create one of the worst drug problems of the past few decades.   Max has become popular with “extreme sports” types as well as criminals looking to give themselves or their henchmen an edge against supers. Over the decades, some scientists have tinkered with the composition of Max, making its enhancements specific for speed, strength, or stamina; attempts to boost mental faculties with the drug have always resulted in insanity and death. Despite the dangers of using Max, addicts only remember the power rush and will do anything to get another dose.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine

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