Lt. Colonel James Levitt Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Lt. Colonel James Levitt

As a child, young James Levitt knew his father to be a monster, even if the rest of the world had forgiven and forgotten. His father, Arthur Levitt, was the original Fear-Master, and while the Silver Age villain seemed cured in 1971, the happy domestic life he pursued afterward was nothing but a façade. Dr. Levitt was a violent husband and father whose earliest regression into his villain persona was visited on his family. James escaped thanks to early enrollment in the Army, and has refused all contact with his father—even through his cancer and genuine redemption—and even avoided the villain’s funeral. Crime, in James’s eyes, ran deep and pure and wasn’t something that could be weeded out of the mind. The world was better with his father dead.   Thanks to his family's reputation, Lt. Col. Levitt served repeatedly as a special liaison between the Army and hero communities, and became one of Harriet Wainwright’s earliest and most strident opponents on Project Freedom. In light of Wainwright’s apparent success, however, he has encouraged the US military to pursue their own version of the program, codenamed the Terminal Team, with more aggressive loyalty enforcement in place. If Wainwright wishes to pry open her Pandora’s box, Levitt reasons, then he will keep a far more terrifying monster on a short chain to close it.   Thanks to long-term exposure to Fear-Master’s chemicals, Levitt developed a unique adrenal disorder in puberty. “Levitt Syndrome” causes extreme strength and resilience, but also emotional instability and aggression. He currently controls his disorder with medication, but secretly misses the youthful vigor his condition provides. As the stress of assembling the Terminal Team mounts, he has begun cutting his dosages, hoping to find the sweet spot where he can work without rest and still maintain control of himself.

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