Lilith Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Elissa Carey

In addition to her natural raven-haired beauty, Elissa Carey’s considerable writing talent set her apart in her state-run school. At an early age, she was pegged for a position at the Propaganda Ministry. Despite being subjected to the best indoctrination available, Carey’s faith in the Nazi regime quickly wavered. Her work made her witness to the Nazis’ brutality, as well as the heroism of the Reich’s greatest foe, Tomas Morgen.   Inspired by Morgen, Carey joined the American Resistance, taking her codename from the woman cast out of Eden. She quickly proved an adept leader, and eventually she became head of Arbeitstadt’s resistance cells. After the omniversal “time of crisis,” Morgen appointed her leader of the American Resistance and entrusted her to secure the final victory over Axis tyranny.

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