Kuwait Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The small nation of Kuwait, on the edge of the Persian Gulf bordering Iraq and Saudi Arabia, had a history as a successful port until a series of economic blockades in the early 20th Century devastated its economy. Kuwait found new prosperity when large oil reserves were discovered there, leading to the so-called “Golden Era” and making it into a nation with one of the highest per-capita incomes in the world.   Kuwait’s oil resources and location made it a target for invasion by Iraq in 1991, leading to the first Gulf War, where a U.S.-led international coalition fought to drive the Iraqi military out of Kuwait. The retreating Iraqis adopted a scorched earth policy, setting Kuwaiti oil fields on fire. The nation is still recovering from its losses during the Gulf War and recent political instability has further complicated matters.   Kuwait became the site of the first significant U.S. led military actions in the Middle East in the late 20th Century, and began many of the rumors concerning Iraqi military experiments in the creation of superhumans. Popular conspiracy theories suggest the invasion of Kuwait was motivated by something other than (or in addition to) the rich oil fields, such as a rare mineralogical or archeological resource hidden somewhere in the small nation. Theories vary as to whether or not the Iraqi invaders found what they were looking for and, if so, what became of it.

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