Iran Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the strongest political powers in the Middle East. The site of the ancient Persian civilization, Iran has a long and influential history in the region, regularly characterized by wars and conflicts with the nations of the Middle East, Europe, and Asia (such as Russia).   In 1979, an Islamic revolution overthrew the Shah of Iran and instituted a new constitution and a theocratic government, officially making Iran an Islamic Republic. Not long thereafter, a group of Iranian student radicals seized the American embassy in Tehran, holding its staff and personnel hostage, demanding the exiled Shah return to face trial (and probable execution). The following year, neighboring Iraq launched an invasion, leading to the nearly nine year Iran-Iraq War.   Since the fall of Iraq to American coalition forces, Iran has emerged as the most influential Islamic state in the region, opposed to Israel and exerting influence with surrounding nations. In particular, the possibility of Iran developing nuclear weapons has been a serious concern, leading to international economic sanctions and extended talks to negotiate an agreement for the nation to maintain a peaceful nuclear energy program, while at the same time assuring the global community that the same resources will not be used for weapons research and development.
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