Guillotine Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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While his allies remain forgotten mostly for racist reasons, Etienne Robespierre (no relation to the French politician from the French Revolution, though he was immensely proud of the name) was forgotten because of his political leanings. That, and the fact that he was unhinged, probably as a result of surviving WWI in front line foxholes.   Etienne was a dedicated member of the Communist party of France, with a decidedly republican streak. Before WWI he was somewhere between a nightmarish assassin and folk hero—he usually threatened the rich with knives, and even snuck into their bedrooms to do so. Before the war, he (probably) hadn’t killed anyone, but he claimed his blades were made from the very guillotine that decapitated King Louis XVI. When the Germans invaded, Robespierre realized his true purpose: to strike at the rich, who were responsible for the Vichy betrayal of the French people and all the world’s ills. He refused to assist DeGaulle’s resistance movement and began his own crusade (allied with Red Fox) to decapitate as many German officers as possible.   Considering his tactics, it’s not surprising he isn’t fondly remembered in France. After his death, his knives were returned to France after they were found in Wewelsburg castle—no one has dared use them since. Their exact location currently is unknown.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Ambushed by Nazi's

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