Goldman's Good Starts Diners Organization in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Goldman's Good Starts Diners

Harry Goldman opened his first diner in Emerald City back in 1922 and weathered Prohibition, the Depression, and the Second World War, serving hot cups of Joe and stacks of flapjacks to rum-runners, Dust Bowl refugees, and Okinawa-bound Marines. It provided a nice living for his family and a steady stream of regular customers, and did much the same for Harry, Jr. as he oversaw the diner through Vietnam, Watergate, and the ’90s city-wide economic bust.   “A nice living” was not enough for Harry III, who took the college education his father’s “nice living” provided him and devised an aggressive expansion plan. The idea was simple: take the massive, affordable, tasty breakfasts people had always enjoyed at Goldman’s, and offer it up on every street in Emerald City working people frequent. Within a decade, Harry III’s scheme paid off handsomely, and seemingly everyone in Emerald who wasn’t “just looking to grab a latte” was spending their mornings refilling their plates at Goldman’s.   This introduced all of Emerald’s to the now-legendary “Lumberjack Breakfast,” an all-you-can-eat bacchanalia of flapjacks, assorted breakfast pork, eggs, and coffee. The satisfying start of many a resident’s day and the bane of city cardiologists, “getting the Lumberjack” is now an Emerald ritual. Even the yogurt-and-granola crowd eventually succumbs to its charms.
Founding Date
Corporation, Business

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