Freedom Medical Center Building / Landmark in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Freedom Medical Center

The foremost hospital in the city is the sprawling Freedom Medical Center near the downtown campus of FCU. The FMC is affiliated with the university and serves as a teaching hospital for interns and medical students. The 700-bed hospital has a staff of some 1,200 physicians and 7,500 employees in all, including students and volunteers. Most of the physicians on staff are renowned specialists in their fields, including seven specializing in superhumans, their powers, and how to treat them.   The Medical Center has received substantial grants from the U.S. government to study triage methods and disaster management, two issues of importance to Freedom City. The staff studies the records of various accidents and natural disasters—including major super-battles and events like the Terminus Invasion—with an eye toward formulating more effective strategies for finding and treating victims. The hospital’s trauma team and emergency room are among the finest on the east coast.

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