Frank "The Hitter" Tonifanni Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Frank "The Hitter" Tonifanni

Frank Tonifanni backs Boss Driogano all the way. Of course, Tonifanni always backs the winner. He backed Boss Oliverti, too, and will probably back Driogano’s successor, assuming Tonifanni doesn’t make a grab for power himself. Frank worked his way up through the ranks as a made-man, earning his nickname by knocking off “problem people” for the Mob. Tonifanni has been running his family nearly as long as Driogano, and he likes where things are going in Freedom City. Business has never been better, and he’s riding high on the success.   Frank Tonifanni has receding dark brown hair and a pencil thin mustache. He has a penchant for pinstripe, doublebreasted suits, and still talks with a Brooklyn accent, despite living in Freedom for decades.

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