FC - Minor Gangs in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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FC - Minor Gangs

OTHER SYNDICATES IN FREEDOM Other criminal syndicates have operations in Freedom City, although The Mob remains the most powerful force in the local underworld.   THE TRIADS The Chinese Triads have little to do with Freedom City, although some Triads loyal to Dr. Sin have undertaken operations in the city on his behalf. Most have involved smuggling or stealing high-tech equipment, acquiring artifacts from museums, or simply providing a distraction to draw superheroes away from one of the devilish doctor’s nefarious schemes.   THE RUSSIAN MAFIYA Ties between the Freedom Mob and the Russian Mafiya have grown over the years. The Russians smuggle a variety of goods out of their country for sale on the international black market, and the Freedom Mob and its customers are eager buyers. The contraband includes former Soviet weapons—from guns to nuclear and biological materials—to experimental drugs and technology from failed or mothballed Soviet research programs; all of which come into the docks of the Freedom waterfront to supply the Mob and various criminals and gangs. The police come down hard on any shipments of illegal weapons they find.   THE YAKUZA The Japanese Yakuza is not overly influential in Freedom City. Most of their operations concern smuggling for corporations and various money-laundering schemes. The Mob comes down hard on any signs of Yakuza activity in “their” city, so the Japanese syndicates tend to leave Freedom alone unless they have a good reason to get involved.   FREEDOM STREET GANGS Freedom City has its share of criminal gangs, particularly youth gangs, as older thugs get rubbed out or absorbed into the Mob. Gangs are most common in Southside, Lincoln, and The West End. Many gang members are runaways who find their way into gangs for protection from the authorities and the more dangerous criminal predators in the city.   THE BROTHERHOOD The Brotherhood is a white supremacist skinhead gang in Southside. Made up of disaffected and angry white youth, the group places blame for the world’s ills at the feet of “mongrel races,” i.e., non-whites. They affect Nazi-style emblems and commit acts of violence and vandalism against those they perceive as their enemies. They survive on food and money gained from petty crime and drug dealing. The Brotherhood has some ties with other Aryan and skinhead gangs outside the city, though the Freedom gang is particularly dangerous because of its association with the supervillain Knightfire.   MALANTI The Malanti are a West End youth gang committing acts of vandalism and petty crime. They are always getting involved in fights with other local gangs like the Cutters, led by Nathan “the Knife” Korthu. Several other youth gangs operate in the West End, and parents and authorities in the suburbs are equally concerned about the spread of the gangs to those areas; West End folks, meanwhile, complain that the city seems more interested in protecting the kids of newcomers than doing something about the gangs themselves.   SOUTHSIDE C’S This criminal gang controls territory in Lincoln, west of Route 6, between the South River Penitentiary and the city landfill, putting them “between two kinds of garbage,” as one city cop put it. The gang violently defends its turf against all intruders and makes most of its money off dealing drugs among the housing projects in Lincoln. The C’s have been pushing to expand their business across the river into The Fens, bringing them into conflict with other gangs in that area. The FCPD has handled several gang-related incidents of violence in both the Fens and Southside because of it.

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