Dr. Andrew Love Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Dr. Andrew Love

Andrew Love has parlayed his name and his psychiatry degree into fame and fortune as the host of the syndicated radio show “Ask Dr. Love,” which is broadcast throughout the Freedom area at different times during the night on WLSH, WNTT, and WSAR. Listeners call in with their questions about love, sex, and relationships. Dr. Love usually has a celebrity guest on the show, and his previous guests have included superheroes, rock stars, and actors. Much to the disappointment of many of his listeners, Dr. Love is both straight and married. His wife, Susanne, left her job as an administrator at Trinity Hospital to care for their son Alan, age 12. More conservative elements of Freedom find Dr. Love’s program too explicit, and would like to see it censored or off the air altogether.

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