Brides of the Green in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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Brides of the Green

The so-called Brides of the Green are three women biologically altered by The Green Man's botanical technology into his superhuman followers. The Brides are all fanatically devoted to their “master” and to his cause of saving the natural world.  


Flora is a true “flower child” with long, flowing blond hair with greenish highlights and vividly green eyes. She wears a flowing gown of pastel flower petals and a crown of living flowers. She is the most innocent and naive of the Brides, although still willing to do whatever her master wishes. She typically attacks by blowing handfuls of dusty pollen at her foes and can appear or disappear in a cloud of fragrant petals.  


Maxima has short brown hair, brown eyes, and an athletic build. She wears a green one-piece covering her torso over a brown body stocking, with short green gloves and boots. Twining vines decorate the green portions of her costume while her face and head are bare and unmasked.  

Venus Man-Trap

Venus Man-Trap wears dark green leather, fishnet stockings, and chains crossing her chest and wrapped around her waist. Her hair is vivid green and flowing; she accents it with deep green lipstick and eye shadow.

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