9th Airborne Character in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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9th Airborne

Cain Rocha was a founder of the powersuit-clad mercenary group known as The Power Corps, recruited by the villain Mastermind for his technical expertise as much as his mercenary resume. But while Rocha— “Lucky Number Seven”—enjoyed the wealth and excitement, he didn’t like being a criminal or taking orders. Rocha wasn’t like the others. He was no deserter or court-martial washout; he was a patriot motivated to enlist to protect American citizens. Yes, he’d had a few dust-ups with superior officers, but only because they thought rank meant they knew more than he did. The military had ultimately rejected his reenlistment—to cover their own failures, in Rocha’s mind! That’s when he decided to put his talents to use as a “private military contractor.”   Rocha’s ego lead him to clash with his new Power Corp partners, particularly team leader Randall Trask. While Rocha was smart, Trask was cunning and ruthless, conspiring to sabotage Number Seven’s armor and leak his identity to the authorities, which made certain he’d be a wanted man even if he survived their set-up. Rocha survived their sabotage and even spent a few months working as a solo villain with his own retrofitted Power Corps armor, but he resented the outlaw life forced on him. After his eventual capture he spent many long years examining the sequence of events that led him to his current place in life and—for the first time—admitted that perhaps his own attitude and ego were at least partially to blame. He spent years working to become a model prisoner—not necessarily out of altruism, but because if anyone is going to control Cain Rocha, it will be Cain Rocha! When his good behavior earned 9th Airborne a place in Project Freedom, he jumped at the opportunity, believing it could finally get his future back on track.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

9th Airborne reverse-engineered his Power Corps powersuit, making improvements drawn from other exoskeleton designs he's been able to acquire or military gear he's stolen. The original Power Corps armor provides protection from attacks, high-speed flight, advanced computer and sensor systems to predict attacks, and a suite of heavy firepower, as well as a psionic-scrambling circuit in the helmet to prevent anyone from controlling him like Mastermind once did. His own upgrades include expanded sensors, a missile launcher, and a non-lethal gas dispenser.

Specialized Equipment

Beyond his armor, Rocha is a military man with extensive training in close combat and marksmanship, as well as a talented mechanic and pilot.

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