Sandworm Species in The Fractured Realm | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Sandworms are massive legless creatures capable of swallowing most other species whole. While they are called worms, they are more similar to legless lizards or snakes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This species primarily feasts on Triat Fungi, but wild sandworms will consume any creature that enters their home deserts.

Additional Information


Sandworms have been partially domesticated by Ukk'hra, who summon them by using their feet to produce specific rhythmical vibrations. Domesticated sandworms are considerably less vicious.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Once domesticated, sandworms are mainly used for travelling across the vast deserts of lower Natimus and Aeis Alhru. They are also used to guard Ukk'hran settlements.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sandworms are capable of detecting even the smallest vibrations from many kilometers away, as long as they travel through sand.
Geographic Distribution

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