Lower Meaun Alliance Organization in The Fractured Realm | World Anvil
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Lower Meaun Alliance


The Alliance consists of three countries: Nazas, Otilla and Portozuelo, with Portoelco and Pedenales in the process of joining.

Public Agenda

The Alliance seeks to defend the countries of Lower Meau from the threat of the Kaua Cluster. The leaders of each country meet every two months to discuss any recent changes to do with the cluster.


The Lower Meaun Alliance was formed when the Kaua Cluster invaded Lower Meau and stole large swathes of land from Nazas and Otilla. The two countries proposed an alliance, and Portozuelo (led by Rogue Familiars) joined shortly after as they saw the Cluster as a grave threat. The formation of the alliance saw the countries adopt a standard currency: the Obeque, as well as the creation of a shared military and trade partnership.
Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Official Languages

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