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The Forgotten Realms

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Faerun is the most widely-known continent on Toril, the primary world of the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons setting.   Boasting a sprawling and varied landscape, Faerun offers high fantasy adventure in regions ranging from frozen mountains to rolling plains, lush forests to barren wastes, temperate coastlines to arid deserts, and dank swamps to humid jungles.   Civilisation is the exception to the rule in Faerun, with most of the land remaining wild and unexplored. A number of kingdoms, several large city-states, and a scattering of towns and villages stand as beacons of order amidst chaos of the untamed natural environment, but stray too far from the safety of safety of their walls and you will encounter bandit camps, the dens of vicious predators, dusty tombs, ancient ruins, and deadly dungeons.   Faerun is a place of might and magic, where adventurers have ample opportunity to make a name for themselves and grow their fortune, should they prove that they have what it takes to survive the its perils and challenges.

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It All Began in Daggerford...

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

An unseasoned group of adventurers find themselves in Daggerford, each for their own individual reasons. They all possess the potential for greatness, with drive and skill enough to see it happen - all they need is a place to start.
