The Black Spider Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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The Black Spider

Nezznar Glaurach (a.k.a. The Black Spider)

"You're no heroes! You're a band of misfits who've made themselves blind to all that they do not wish to see! If you truly believe that killing me will make your pitiful lives any better, then I suppose I have no choice but you kill you all first."
~ The Black Spider, to the Heroes of Phandalin
  Nezznar Glaurach, commonly known as 'The Black Spider', was a drow wizard who intended to gain control of the magical Forge of Spells, located in Wave Echo Cave, near the town of Phandalin.   Nezznar was born in the Underdark in 2702 JR, and was trained as a wizard in the highly-esteemed drow academy of Sorcere in Menzoberranzen. Nezznar never graduated however, as he left the Underdark in 2791 JR in search of the Forge of Spells, after reading about legendary artifact in the academy's library.   Once on the surface, Nezznar headed south and began uniting various organisations from around the town of Phandalin, such as the Redbrand Ruffians and the Cragmaw Goblins. He also established an intricate network of spies that stretched as far as Neverwinter, and trained a number of giant spiders to be his bodyguards.   In 3018 JR, Nezznar became aware that the Rockseeker brothers had discovered the location of Wave Echo Cave, and thus the location of the Forge. Nezznar was able to organise an ambush on the eldest brother, Gundren and steal his map, before heading to the location himself.   Nezznar and his underlings began working their way through the cave, but were held back by an army of the undead and a field of dangerous purple fungi. Unfortunately for Nezznar, the ambush on Gundren caught the attention of a group of adventurers who were employed by the dwarf to help transport supplies. In 3019 JR, Nezznar died in the the cave, after his skull was shattered by a warhammer wielded by a halfling cleric known as 'The Captain', a member of the adventuring party which would later be named the 'Heroes of Phandalin'.   When Wave Echo Cave was finally reclaimed by the miners of the New Phandelver Pact, Nezznar's body was burned and his ashes were scattered outside the cave.
Neutral Evil
2702 JR 3019 JR 317 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by 'The Captain' in Wave Echo Cave
White, glassy, violet tinted
Long, white, stringy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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