Rond Arrowhame Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Rond Arrowhame

Lord Rond Arrowhame (a.k.a. The Emerald Archer)

"As long as there is an elf willing to pick up a bow, you foul creatures will live in fear"
~ Rond Arrowhame, to Orc King Gurrash
  Rond Arrowhame was a brave elven lord that ruled over a group of high-elves in Ardeep Forest. Born in 2608 JR, he spent most of his early life as a ranger, protecting the woodlands south of Waterdeep. He excelled in battling with a longbow, even at short distances, and he was officially declared an elven lord in 2808 JR, on the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth.   It was not long after this when Rond first encountered the Ear-Seekers, a band of orc warriors that were situated south of Ardeep forest. The group immensely enjoyed the killing and torturing of elves, and were named for the elf-ears that the tribe would adorn themselves with. Rond declared the group a 'blight' upon the Sword Coast, and devoted the rest of his life into wiping them out. A number of small skirmishes began to form between the two groups, although none were particularly long-lasting, as both the elves and the orcs would retreat into hiding if they felt threatened by an attack. This was all to change in 2992 JR.   In 2992 JR, Rond was wed to a wood-elf named Myrissa, the daughter of an elven lord in the far north. However, the day after the ceremony was held, his bride was kidnapped by Norgra One-Eye, a shaman working for the Ear-Seekers. Norgra sacrificed Myrissa to the orcish deity Gruumsh, before returning her body to Rond, fuelling his hatred for the orcs even further, and destroying his characteristic sense of restraint.   During the decades that followed, Rond launched several rage-fuelled attacks upon the barbaric group, who returned with several attacks of their own. Vast amounts of blood were shed by either side, particularly by the ruthless Orc King Gurrash, who became the leader of the Ear-Seekers in 2994 JR.   The war eventually came to an end in in 3018 JR, when Rond attempted to siege the town of Nightstone, which had been taken by the Ear-Seekers following a cloud giant attack. The siege failed, resulting in all the elves being either killed or captured. Rond was taken prisoner in the town's keep, where he was brutally killed by King Gurrash, against the wishes of Xolkin Allassander, Gurrash's half-elven accomplice.   Fortunately, the Ear-Seekers were brought to swift justice by the Defenders of Nightstone, who also freed the surviving members of Rond's army. It is said that Rond Arrowhame's spirit still wanders the perimeter of Nightstone, protecting the town's citizens from attack, and patrolling the surrounding forests in search of danger.
Neutral Good
2608 JR 3018 JR 410 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Orc King Gurrash in Nightstone Keep
Dark green
Long, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, white
122 lbs

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