Kenrith Ardenvale Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Kenrith Ardenvale

King Kenrith Ardenvale (a.k.a. The Demon King)

"My legacy is not this island; nor is it this keep. My legacy, Orianna, is you. Long after I cease to be the King of this isle, I will still be one thing: your father."  
~ King Kenrith Ardenvale, to Princess Orianna
  Kenrith Ardenvale was a tiefling nobleman who served as King of the Star Isles from 2978 JR until his death in 3013 JR. He was born in Ardenvale Keep, the ancestral home of his family, and although he never married, he bore a bastard daughter in 2986 JR named Orianna, who he immediately appointed to be his heir.   During his reign, he donated a significant amount of gold to the Temple of Selûne, the largest religious organisation on the Star Isles. He also began making plans with his advisors to help locate and reclaim the Tomb of the Ancients, a dungeon constructed when the Isles were first settled, but these plans were never finished in Kenrith's lifetime.   Although renowned for being a generous, merciful and dignified ruler, Kenrith's reign saw an dramatic increase in anti-tiefling rhetoric across the Star Isles, leading to the Siege of Ardenvale Keep in 3013 JR. During this siege, a xenophobic militia calling themselves the Army of Reclamation launched an attack on the keep, setting fire to many of buildings with flaming arrows and breaching the keep's walls with warhammers and siege equipment.   The militia also freed a number of prisoners being held in the keep's dungeon, one of which, a goblin thief named Jimothy Quickfingers, helped Kenrith's daughter Orianna escape from the keep with the help of Kenrith's advisors. Unfortunately, the king himself was not so lucky, and was captured by the militia whilst trying to fight them off. He was crucified in the centre of the keep while the buildings around him burned.  
Although the Army of Reclamation went on to claim the keep for themselves and rule in the dead king's stead, Kenrith's daughter returned to the Star Isles in 3016 JR, defeating the militia and reclaiming the keep for herself. Later that year, Queen Orianna was officially coronated, and the remaining members of the militia were either exiled or imprisoned by the new monarch.
Lawful Good
2955 JR 3013 JR 58 years old
Circumstances of Death
Crucified during the Siege of Ardenvale Keep
Star Isles
Dark grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs

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