Thorir Oona Bumblespirit Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Thorir Oona Bumblespirit

Thorir Oona Bumblespirit

A large, muscular firbolg with the sweetest, crooked smile. Always smells like honey, fruitcake or tea and is always wary of people around him. A heart of gold but not always the smarts to go with it. In a sense a very simple-minded person prone to naitivity. A strong sense of self, and even stronger moral compass. Practises for most part a very pacifist ideal, yet cannot shun the adventurer inside him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, quite muscular. Down-pointed fussy ears.

Facial Features

round nose, thick eyebrows, big brown eyes that glimmer with joy. Large smiling wrinkles, a twitchy nose and slightly crooked smile.

Identifying Characteristics

Height.  Sword with his clan mantra.  Usually accompanied by bees.  Has a brooch with a yellow moth on his shirt.

Physical quirks

Crooked smile.  Ears that move in various direction. Twitching red nose.

Special abilities

Can communicate with bees, plants or animals. Just simple ideas.  Can turn invisible when threatened.  Can detect magic once in a while.

Apparel & Accessories

A yellow moth brooch on his chest. Sword with mantra.  Usually wears loose clothes, always smells like honey or tea.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thorir comes from Hartsvale to the North, and member of Meadowhome. He grew up in a huge wooden house in the middle of the forest, near one of the bigger mountains in Hartsvale. It’s exact location is unknown to everyone except those of his clan as they used magics to conceal their location. In his clan were both Barbarians, Nomads and Druids, and his parents were no exception. His father being a barbarian, and his mother being a druid. His clan were suspicious of most humans and humanoids, however, they found themselves having little knowledge of the world. Thorir’s father (Blackbell Bumblespirit) was a rebel, and used to travel in his days, upon his return, he told of many heroic tales, while his mother (Sky Bumblespirit) tended to her family farm and their animals. After Sky’s parents died, both Sky and Blackbell settled down on the farm, with his father often traveling to cities to sell honey or other homemade things (mostly an excuse so he could see the cities). Thorir wanted to look out into the world, sure, the warm fire in his house, the butterflies, bees and endless meadows offered security, but the world offered adventure. There are sufferings out there, and nature does not end nor begin outside of their threshold. The elders cast their rune stones to vote over the matter, and decided perhaps adventure over tradition might be the pathway to new discoveries. ). His parents are awfully proud of their only son venturing into the world, and often sends him postcards to remind him that he’s always loved and adored and missed back home. His father especially loved doting on him, while his mother says Blackbell is being too soft with his son. They are especially worried because he was given his first beecube to tend to at only 18 years old, and was terribly upset after it was torn down by an unknown assailant. He’s ‘only’ 233 years old, after all, still just a babe. His father would sometimes visit if he could, mostly when they had too much honey at home. Thorir decided to go to Waterdeep, a big city, it MUST have glorious adventure and things to experience. Also, he saw the gardens, what a terrible crime, these humans knows nothing of the fragility of the beautiful plants. He was given work to tend to the various bigger gardens and parks, while he stayed at the Yawning portal. He was mostly given work because he insisted the mountain roses in one of the parks were given too much shade. Tending to flowers gives a certain serenity, but his barbarian ways called for adventure and battle, the balance between serenity and violence seemed a difficult pathway to decide between. One time, he found himself wandering, restlessly, as he often did to avoid the big spectacles and noise the city often had. From the other side of the street, he saw a crime most foul. A garden with so much potential, tall bushes, various plants, yet they had not be tended to with love. The forget-me-nots had certainly been forgotten, the thyme and rosmarine seemed odorless. Oops, he found himself in the middle of the garden fixated on the plants. Big footprints, oh my, there was a shortsword, is that a fingernail? He looked up and saw he was in front of a big manner, and saw clawmarks and scratches on the side of the wall going up all the way to the roof. What kind of a beastly place is this? A bee landed in his enormous hand, it was tiny, missing a leg and therefore couldn’t seem to stick its landing. “The city hasn’t been treating you very well, has it? I will call you Stumblefoot” * the bee buzzed in rejoice*. He then started pulling out weeds and other nasty plants that had been causing havoc in the garden, when he was approached by … (one from the cat company?). He had a long, furious discussion about the plants which ended with him throwing an entire door across the garden, and then furiously apologizing to Stumblefoot and the forget-me-nots, but not the man/woman in front of him. He found himself a new motive, take care of this terrible looking garden, bring back the bees and go on endless adventure he could write about to make his parents even more proud. Perhaps find a new species of bees or plants? Glorious weapons? He must venture into the unknown, must seek out new adventures, he must be brave. He does not know anymore where his home lies, only its general direction. He hopes to find the magical item known as “Resonance” to bring him home the day he chooses to. He only knows that it looks like a compass or a necklace with the symbol of a white lotus flower. It has the ability to show you to that which you desire most.

Gender Identity



Asexual? Panromantic?


Home taught by his parents and his tribe in Heartsvale


Worked as adventurer and sometimes as a gardener in various locations in Waterdeep. Has excellent references as a baby sitter.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Restored several gardens in various locations. Increased bee population and planting og trees and flowers. Regarded as a folk hero back home.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost a bee cube once.  Cannot find his way home.  More to come?

Mental Trauma

To be continued?

Intellectual Characteristics

Very knowledgeble in all things nature based. Herbs, plants and similar.

Morality & Philosophy

Pacifist ideals. Does not provoke violence, yet is not above defending himself or others. Does not enjoy lying.  Vary of the littlest, smallest creatures


Lying, killing innocent creatures, robbing etcc.

Personality Characteristics


A folk hero in Heartsvale. Wishes to one day return as a folk hero in the 'human' world.  For now continues to search for ways to get home, as his family are not allowed to reveal their location.  Wishes to plant more trees and contribute to a better ecology in the'human' world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Calm, shy, compassionate.  Always helps his friends. Does not always understand the human world- its norms and laws and ways of living.

Likes & Dislikes

dishonesty and cowardice

Vices & Personality flaws

Hard to anger.  Very pacifist.

Personality Quirks

moveable ears.


Very aware of his hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

Emerald Enclave Other firbolgs? KC Investigations

Family Ties

Has parents and an entire clan of firbolgs

Religious Views

Praises Iallanis. The giant godesss of love and mercy.

Hobbies & Pets

Gardening Brewing mead Producing honey planting trees and flowers sometimes hunts   Bees are his pets. His favourite is 'stumblebee', it misses a leg.


Calm. Short sentences.

Wealth & Financial state


Huge, tall cinnamon bun with way too much food and a deep hatred of wasps.

View Character Profile
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Gentle Giant" "Oona"
233 years old
The North
Current Residence
Hazelnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
olive/light brown
7'6 feet tall
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You are in my personal space."   "I suppose your mother did not love you if she did not bake you cookies"   "You leave me no choice"   "Hmmm.... you are very small. Small, but hostile"
Known Languages
Common, elvish, giant/sylvan

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