Sundeth Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Sundeth is the Xanathar’s military commander on Skull Island. A stunted half-ogre, Sundeth has a serious inferiority complex and a temper to match it. He wears a suit of full-plate made of black dragon scales from a young dragon he killed in the Sargauth Caves years ago. The horns of this dragon protrude from his helmet, which he had enchanted into a dread helm. Though he has never in his life been a good person, the Tower of Seven Woes has amplified his absolute worst traits. He delights in the suffering of others, and will frequently keep prisoners in the tower simply for the sake of torturing them. One such prisoner is an elf named Diarmuth, whom he has kept chained up and barely alive for nearly five years. Sundeth has a reputation for being a heavy sleeper, and will routinely give his units sets of long and complex orders to keep them busy while he naps. If he returns to find them not following his orders, he will frequently make an example of one or more of them. As a result, his heavy sleeping does not trouble his authority. This, and his cruelty, are effects of his weak will being affected by the Tower of Seven Woes.
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