Renascitur REeicio Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Renascitur REeicio

Renascitur REeicio

A sly, smooth talking criminal turned to a smooth talking law abiding (for most parts) citizen. Has a way to sway you with words in a way that can be manipulative or supportive. Words are powerful, and Ren truly encompasses this to the fullest.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slender figure. Lean muscles.

Body Features

Scales running down his shoulder and beginnings of his neck.

Facial Features

Petite nose, small mouth always curved into a grin. Sharp corner teeth.  Sharp cheekbones, slightly dark shades under his eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Dragon scales on his shoulder. Black nails. Fabulous clothes.

Physical quirks

A dangerous smile. Piercing eyes. A bit clumsy.

Special abilities

A way with words.  Magical abilities. Can sometimes be sneaky.

Apparel & Accessories

Small statue in his pocket. A large coat, partially open blouse. A few rings on his fingers, black nail polish.

Specialized Equipment

Several magical items.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ren grew up in the Field Ward with his adoptive big sister Kath. As a young boy, it was only him, Kath and his mother he died when he was very young. In the streets of Field Ward he would run small time scams and earned himself a bit of unwanted attention by local thugs. His sister Kath was always there to protect him. His father left him and his mother when he was a small child. In his early 20s, he became a private investigator before later turning to adventuring with his crew.

Gender Identity



As fucking gay as you can get. Pansexual and panromantic.


Home taught by his mother. Later, joined various public schools before going into adventuring.


Private investigator Adventurer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Made a dragon friends underwater in Waterdeep. Managed to talk a dragon out of killing him and his companions.  Befriended a pseudodragon Showed a big F you to his father Survived encounters with Jarlaxle  Interrogated various dobbelgangers  Made many friends, some noble like Raenar  Made the lawful good paladin his significant other adopted three children

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost to Jarlaxle Got mind posessed by the golden haired elf. Damn you.  Have fallen into several rooms, alerting everyone Lost his mother to illness, could not save her.  Cannot find Avi  Once got escorted home with Cinan by a irritated guard Had his disguise seen through by the carnival guy! Got sick from eating too much cheesecake

Mental Trauma

Heh. Losing his mother as a young boy Being abandoned by his father as a young boy Not being able to find Avi Almost lost his sister, his boyfriend and his totally not BFF in the same day Can never trust drows again Never trust golden haired elves again Vampires excist

Intellectual Characteristics

Very intelligent. Despite not having much of a formal education, Ren knows quite a lot about magic, history and such as he always had access to books.    He used to work as a private investigator so he knows how to ask the right question or to look for clues. He is also a planner, sometimes anyway.

Morality & Philosophy

Never kill children To not hurt people unneccessarily Never abandon his children the way he was Always being truthful and faithful to his significant other Bending laws or truth is alright as long as you make sure to not get caught. Altough laws should be followed. They are there for a reason.


Never meet up with Mr. Trent   Dirty clothes   Untasted cheesecakes   Murder of children

Personality Characteristics


Exceed where his father failed Restore more order to Waterdeep in his own way Adventure and learn of unknown mysteries become a unmasked lord or the new blackstaff one day

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Always a sly comment or a half-witted joke

Likes & Dislikes

Cowardice Murder

Virtues & Personality perks

Actually a decent guy   Cares for his friends

Vices & Personality flaws

Very arrogant   quick to act


Prestidigitation yo


Contacts & Relations

Blackstaff/Grey Hands The Harpers  various criminal contacts Zellifarn  Raenar  Bonnie  Durnan

Family Ties

ALL DEAD   except Kath

Religious Views

Worships Mystra

Social Aptitude

Very good with social relations. Can be very distracting when needed


Flamboyant as fuck

Hobbies & Pets

Cheesecake Learning about magic writing bad crime novels based on real life events


Sly, but loud

Wealth & Financial state


Handsome, sly sorcerer with a smirk and a love for the dramatics. Has a deep love for cheesecakes. IS A FIELD WARDIAN DAMNITT AND PROUD A love for mysteries So fucking gay and flaunts it. Every day.

View Character Profile
neutral/lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grey Hands Harpers
24 ish
Field Ward
Current Residence
Trollskull Alley
Ice blue
dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale with small blue/green scales
Around 6 ft
180 ish
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There excists cheesecake?"    "No. No. No"    "Fucking hell"
Related Reports
Known Languages
Elvish, common and draconic

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