Remallia Haventree Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Remallia Haventree

(a.k.a. Remi)

Remallia was a noble sun elf living in Waterdeep in Ulbrinter Villa, once the home of her husband Arthagast Ulbrinter. At some point she joined the Harpers. She used all her strengths to unite all the Realms factions to contrast the menace of the Cult of the Dragon and Tiamat, and for this she was chosen to represent the Harpers at the Council on Waterdeep. Remallia personally was very proactive in fighting the Cult but needed to be more cautious due to the weakened state of the Harpers. The Harper's had only recently truly reformed. In 1491 DR, following the appearance of the returned goddess Eilistraee near the walls of Waterdeep, many of her drow followers traveled to the City of Splendors. When they approached Remallia, asking for her help to build a shrine to their goddess within the city, she agreed to provide her support.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Remallia was honest and friendly. She truly believed in the Cult's dangers, but understood the caution of her fellow Harpers. She also agreed to compromise with lesser evils to fight more nefarious but not at all prices. The death of her husband at the Cult's hand served only to increase Remallia's willingness to fight it. She was one of the driving forces in the organizations of the Council.


Contacts & Relations

Most of the harper network.

Family Ties

Has two children:     
  • Arthius -  lived in Silverymoon
  • Serenore -  lived with their family on the Moonshae island of Alaron.
Chaotic good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Haventree
Current Residence
Ulbrinter Villa
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Halfling.

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