Laeral Silverhand Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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Laeral Silverhand (LAIR-awl)

Open Lord , Lady Mage of Waterdeep, Lady Blackstaff and Witch-Queen of Stornanter. (a.k.a. Myroune)

Laeral Silverhand was one of the Seven Sisters, a Chosen of Mystra, and the Open Lordof Waterdeep, formerly known as the "Lady Mage of Waterdeep". Together with her partner Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, they led the Moonstars, a dissident faction of The Harpers, which sought to guide the cities and countries of the North toward a shared destiny   Laeral was incredibly organized—it was the only way she could manage to fit all of her activities into a single day. She was friendly and accommodating, leading almost everyone who met her, even the haughty nobles of Waterdeep, to consider her a true friend. She was also proactive in her defense of the city, to the extent that certain Waterdhavians would stage calamitous events so that she would keep tabs on persons of interest for them without their needing to ask for her help or involve themselves directly. Having been in thrall to the Crown of Horns and forced to commit heinous acts by it, she felt that she understood the nature of evil better than most and often mediated disputes with rogues, undesirables, and sentient monsters, especially in Skullport.


Family Ties

Is a member of the Seven Sisters. Had three children: The oldest daughter - Maura (conceived under the influence of the Crown of Horns) and the twins Krehlan and Ilindyl.

Religious Views

Worshiper of Mystra.

Social Aptitude

Laeral was incredibly organized—it was the only way she could manage to fit all of her activities into a single day. She was friendly and accommodating, leading almost everyone who met her, even the haughty nobles of Waterdeep, to consider her a true friend. She was also proactive in her defense of the city, to the extent that certain Waterdhavians would stage calamitous events so that she would keep tabs on persons of interest for them without their needing to ask for her help or involve themselves directly. Having been in thrall to the Crown of Horns and forced to commit heinous acts by it, she felt that she understood the nature of evil better than most and often mediated disputes with rogues, undesirables, and sentient monsters, especially in Skullport.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a Baby Griffon.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Open Lord , Lady Mage of Waterdeep, Lady Blackstaff and Witch-Queen of Stornanter.
Year of Birth
765 DR 728 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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