Benjamin Roderick Character in The Fiery Soul of Eoin Llewelyn | World Anvil
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Benjamin Roderick

Benjamin Roderick (a.k.a. Ben)

Physical Description

Facial Features


Physical quirks


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ben's father was a scientist from the far off land of Sarmouth, and travelled to Teithio to continue his studies. Ben was raised with high education from his father. His younger sister, Tabitha Roderick was born when Ben was 12. He attended university in Adsilia from 1849 to 1851, then continuing his tertiary education in Divetha under the mentor of Gaire Diarmaid. During his time in Adsilia, Ben became very close to the crown princess of Adsilia, Queen Siana Vurien. Their relationship, however, was broken off messily after Siana had to ascend to the throne,and Ben decided to leave Adsilia. At Divethan university, he was mentored by Dr Gaire Diarmaid, a scientist that specialised in human biology. Ben stayed a student of Dr Dairmaid until in 1855, he discovered many experiments that Dr Diarmaid was enacting and had an outward disagreement with him, threatening to expose him to the public. In turn, Dr Diarmaid had Ben shunned from society, seizing Ben's unpublished research papers and publishing under his own name. Ben returned home to his family, and thought that his father would be disappointed, but instead, his family welcomed him with open arms. Ben's father, however, in the following years grew ill and eventually passed away in 1857. His father's death shook Ben and his family- his mother especially. Ben's sister Tabitha, was sent to a boarding school by their mother and Ben was forced to leave his home again.


Very well educated

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very good in chemistry and science. Horrible at fighting and defence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ben is Pateint, knowledgable and caring.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ben is sometimes a little insensitive to those around and can sometimes get quite argumentative about certain topics.
Date of Birth
8th July 1833
Year of Birth
1833 VD 27 Years old
Dark Brown
short Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6''2 ft
67.3 kg
Aligned Organization

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