The abyss Geographic Location in The falling city | World Anvil
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The abyss

Who knew something that dooms our entire world could look so pretty?
— Anonymous citizen

The world eater

There were many speculations of what the edge of the world would look like. Some said it was just a black abyss, incomprehensibly infinite. Others speculated it might just be an ocean, stretching into the void. Another popular theory was a wall of impenetrable mountains, stretching so high they held up the sky. What they actually found was both better and worse than many had thought. A sea of mist... clouds...? It was undeniably pretty when the sun caught the small particles slowly moving around. Not that anyone dared be close to edge for long. Instead of a big splash when the world would fall in a sea, or the visible pieces falling in an endless void, you barely noticed when a piece went under the surface. Where there was once land, there was just mist left.

The ancient ones

A few years into the collapse, a rumor started spreading. Someone's aunt's cousin's friend's mother had seen, something, moving in the abyss. By the time it was widely known there were so many different versions of what exactly had happened most ignored it. But then the same story came from different people, and they started saying the same thing. One or two huge figures just beneath the surface, glowing a soft blue, maybe green. These were connected to one of the creation myths, a tale of two giant monsters holding up the world. As the landmasses became smaller, more and more people had seen what was now called the ancient ones. Some priests had tried speaking to these creatures, many fell over the edge and never came back. The ones who survived were unsuccessfull.

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Cover image: by Andrew Preble


Author's Notes

Heavy WIP, just catching up on SC

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