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Housing in the falling city

Due to the lack of space, a lot of houses that previously only housed one family have been turned into multiple family homes. The most common houses, brick buildings around five stories high, have gone from housing at most five familes, to giving room to one family in every room, with shared bathrooms and kitchens between them. Depending on the size it's not unusual for 3 families to share what once was one appartment. This means privacy is a luxurary many can't afford. It isn't uncommon for people to hang up fabrics around their bed to have their own small personal space, with their own storage being underneath the bed. The positive thing about this is when a new district has to be evacuated from the edge its quick for people to gather their things and move, rarely taking more space than a backpacks worth. On some streets temporary shelters have been built, ranging from tents to a new floor right abouve the street. These parts tends to become very dark since there are no original lighting set up. Everyone therefore tends to own their own electric lantern, which can be charged at any lightpost with special socets. Charging times are fairly short for how long it can stay lit, but its still more common to charge it while at a resturant or shop doing soemthing else. Some of these establishments have their own charging stations for their guests and costumers to use. It's only when you move into the city centre where you can start finding homes with more living space per person. These are the wealthy and powerful, but their lives are barely glamerous compared to how it used to be. They do however usually have a few rooms per family, and even individuals often have their own personal room.

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Cover image: by Andrew Preble


Author's Notes

Heavy WIP, just catching up on SC

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