Solmund Norland Character in The Eylands | World Anvil
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Solmund Norland

His Highness, Solmund Orestsson Norland

Previous Prince of Norland and Lord Steward to King Astor. His plan was to convince the Prince of Trondalen to allow elections to take place for a king, after he was kidnapped and escaped he founded the Alliance of the Dragon and swore to put Gundar Dragnaland on the throne. Later, when he was unable to defend himself, he gave up his dream of installing Gundar as king and joined the Alliance of the Lion. When that alliance defeated House Trondalen he was made Lord Steward by king Astor. Fearing a Southern uprising in support of the banished Rodmar Trondalen, King Astor sent Prince Oskar, Prince Solmund and Einar, Merkis of Stormark, with an entourage to see if the Southern prince remembered his oath of fealty to the throne. After first being welcomed into his home the prince then turned against his guests, killing some of them, including Prince Solmund.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was an able warrior on the battlefield. His looks made him very desirable as a young man before his marriage.

Facial Features

Stubble beard and a few scratches from warfare

Mental characteristics


Lord Steward of King Astor

Personality Characteristics


He used to want Gundar Dragnaland as king, but later switched to serving King Astor.


Religious Views

He was determined to protect the vattirist faith in the North.

Wealth & Financial state

Even before working directly for the king he was an extremely wealthy man by being a prince.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Norland   Lord Steward of the king's government
857 891 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain in an act of treason by the previous Prince of Soraland.
Norland Castle
Place of Death
Soraland Castle
Light blue
Dark red, short

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