Fort Gartyr Building / Landmark in The Eylands | World Anvil
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Fort Gartyr

By far the tallest castle in all the Eylands, Fort Gartyr reaches one thousand feet above the plains that surround it. King Garth ennobled a family of architects and ordered them to build a fortress to defend the Western road to the Royal Capital in 652. The thanes of Gartyr were also given all lands in the surrounding valley in lieu of payment. King Garth died long before he could see the completed tower. In 713, as a reward for the family's enduring loyalty and dedication to their kings and duties, the thanes were raised to the rank of merkis. Construction was eventually completed in 750. Its importance as defence to the kings has been proven time and time again in five battles and rebellions fought between 764 and 890. The many blemishes across its rock-cut walls are battle scars where countless catapults and trebuchets tried, in vain, to hammer down the vast structure. Despite this, she has fallen twice, during the Rebellion of the Western Nobles in 764 and the Varangoth Conquest in 890. During her last battle Gundar Dragnaland, who was held captive there, used his newly discovered power to harness a sea of fire to burn her down from the inside, making flames dozens of feet high erupt from the narrow windows in her flanks as if she were a volcano. This left the fort in an even more tarnished state than before. Her original inhabitants, the Gartyrs, were replaced by the prince of Trondalen with the Wesmund-Gartyrs, even though they had no rights or blood connected to the Gartyr lands. They themselves have been driven to extinction, and their lands and titles have reverted to the crown.


The main tower is a thousand feet high, and made entirely of black basalt, as well as the gatehouse and stables that surround her footing and the living quarters sitting on top of her as a crown. Though extremely robust the fort's design is simple and practical.
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