Asmund Trondalen Character in The Eylands | World Anvil
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Asmund Trondalen

His Highness, Asmund Gustavsson Trondalen

The previous Prince of Trondalen and former keeper of the royal palace. He was the one who decided to postpone elections until a peace treaty between all Eylands was renewed after the burning the palace and the assassination of King Ornulf, which he confessed to be the mastermind of before his execution. He wanted to make his son, Rodmar, the King, but when the Prince of Norland came he was forced to imprison him. This failed and led to war breaking out across the kingdom. Shortly afterwards he named his son Viceroy of the Eylands and let ships patrol the coast to prevent an invasion. After fighting several battles and fending off his enemies it was the Prince of Lowenthal who eventually broke his defence and sentenced him to death.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

His decision to personally fund the rebuilding of the coronation hall was seen as a very generous deed, but his decision to postpone elections until all minor disputes are settled (some of which he caused) has made people think he's extremely stubborn. He named his son Viceroy of the Eylands, and managed to defend his claim throughout several battles.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was defeated by the Prince of Lowenthal at the Battles of Lowenthal Bay and Gartyr. This eventually led to his capture and execution.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes strongly in the modern philosophy from the Southern Continent that one must take what one can get to get higher up.


Religious Views

He's more loyal to the newer religion that promotes materialism and personal gain than traditional vattirism.

Wealth & Financial state

As the most important of the eight princes, he's one of the ten wealthiest people across the kingdom.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Trondalen (former)
836 890 54 years old
Trondalen Palace
Dark blue
Grey, Swept back
Aligned Organization

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