The explored world of the kingdom The Formation of The Kingdom
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The Formation of The Kingdom


The Divine Creation

Year 43. The day upon which the Kingdom was formed, and the name of King Romulus 1 was taken. Divinely created Golems secured the territory around what is now The King's Palace.

This is the day that The Kingdom was first created. The building that would become The King's Palace, but at the time was simply The Old University, had laid dormant for years, barricaded, and in a secure position nestled below what would eventually be named Mount Augustus.

There were a few small settlements nearby, of note the Athlone Refuse Transfer Station, which was considered a safe haven for refugees, the sick and injured in the chaos of the time, with multiple trained doctors residing there to provide treatment. This community was plagued by pillagers, longing for the supplies of food grown inside the compound. A relatively large raiding party was planning on attacking this settlement, and although they had large walls, they did not have the able populace or weaponry to defend themselves against any organised efforts.

The town was desperate. This is the point where records begin to differ. Some say the locals sought out for those within the University. Others claim that the aid was wholly unexpected. Whichever is true, on the day of the onslaught, where a band of around 30 raiders marched toward the community, they found it guarded by what is now referred to in myth as Golems; automatons created by King Romulus 1 - though he had not taken this name at the time - and imbued with divine power to enact God's will and protect the populace. The raiders quickly fled or fell, and the regions around the university were peaceful. The people of these communities accepted the protection of newly anointed King Romulus, and in return became the first members of the Kingdom. The doctors would serve in an order of what would eventually become the priests, as they passed on their knowledge to evermore zealous future generations.

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