Imperial Senate Organization in The Expanse of Esta | World Anvil
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Imperial Senate

In the Iotian Empire the governebt consists of The Emperor, Grand Chancellor, the Imperial Senate and Imperial Courts.   The Imperial Senate consists of a unicamal legislature consisting of representatives from planets making up the Empire.  

The Senate has a large amount of legislative power, though all decisions are ultimately up to the Emperor.


A senator can be the head of state forvtheir homeworlds government or be otherwise appointed/elected by the inhabitents. It does not matter if a planet has multiple civilizations, each planet is allowed one representitive, and if they cannot select one due to conflict, one will be appointed for them by the Chancellor and in rare cases the Emperor themself.

  The Senate also is tasked with putting forth canidates for Chancellor, to then be selected by Emperor Iota. Competition for the position is fierce, and often bloody.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament

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