Gnomes Species in The Everwuld | World Anvil
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Gnomes resemble smaller humans, but with large animal like ears, ranging from rabbit and fox like ears for Forrest Gnomes and wolf and llama like ears for Hill Gnomes. Gnomes tend to be clever and handy with technology, and many are inventors extrodinare. They are one of the core races that make up the Clockwork Empire, with many finding themselves working as inventors within that technology based society, although Forrest Gnomes oft find themselves feeling stifled by the dense city.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnomish Naming Conventions: English, Jonathon, William, Christine, and Elizabeth

Major Organizations

The Clockwork Empire

Common Dress Code

Hill Gnomes often wear expensive and intricate robes that go with their gold framed glasses. Many high ranking hill gnomes, have all sorts of steampunk gadgetry adorning their persons. Forest Gnomes are usually more simple in mode and apparel belaying their more rustic life style. Hardy rough fabric fashioned into functional dress is the norm.

Common Taboos

Having their ears touched
Gnomes were not Rain's first attempt at creating life, however, they were the first she saw fit to carry souls. Gnomes were created in part as an experiment by Rain to determine the strength and durability of soul data within a biological host, but the gnomes quickly surpassed Rains expectations and many became lab assistants to her rather than lab rats.
Scientific Name
Superior Bestia
120 Years
Average Height
.6 to 1 meter
Hill Gnomes love building skyscapers and other such tall structures of steel and glass as a way to stretch their ingenuity and skill, while forest gnomes prefer hollowing out tall trees for their abodes.

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