Shazron: Witch's Weapon Item in The Everworld | World Anvil
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Shazron: Witch's Weapon

Possesion to those who hold me, pain to those who look upon me, lies are told to lay hands on me.

Written by SuperSolomob422


Shazron is an ancient weapon from years before the Everworld was even thought of, it was discovered by Solomob Sylvan who now owns it for eternity. But it's malevolent spirits will possess whoever it has been bound to, causing them to murder many many people. Possesion normally occurs after the host has gone through traumatic events, or many souls have been taken by the sword. The spirits have different personalities as well, there are three main ones, and an uknown number of lesser ones. The strongest causes the possesion, this one desires to kill, it likes the idea of ruining what good there has happened or possibely to come. The second strongest only has the desire for torture, to see pain on the faces of anybody they attack. The last is the only who speaks, often with deceit, lies and insults. This one cannot negotiate nor see reason to anything said to them. And there all make their presence know throught the host, none of the spirits appear and can be seen.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

May shapeshift into any weapon or tool perceivable, but they cannot be contraption such as a gun. And the cannot be larger than 6x6x6 feet.


Very ancient, with ancient malevolent spirits stuck hauting it, seeemingly for eternity.
Shazron: Witch's Weapon cover
Item type
Weapon, Other
It's a unique sword that cannot be replicated by any blacksmith again, they would have to be a powerful magical entity to get close enough.
14.7 lbs in sword form.
3.8x0.5 in sword form.
Raw materials & Components
An alloy of Vyrathinium+ and Mystinium , these metals can only be melted, molded and sharpened by magic, so whoever made it must've been a skilled wizard.
Magic is the only answer to how it was made, heat and/or manipulation magics seem the most likely.

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