Eralivir Passways | Dungeon Building / Landmark in The Everworld | World Anvil
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Eralivir Passways | Dungeon

Fear not, for the she-devil's tunnel shall be blocked off.

Written by SuperSolomob422


Was created around 1830 of the 1st age. They were used as concealing underground passageways for Antotimu to spy and ambush from. People had discovered this passage is some point in time, they casted a spell which deflected any corrupted creatures that came near. So, the passages have been considered ruins by Azeizle, and transport through through them was discontinued.  


There is a stash of war supplies at the beginning of the tunnel, for the corrupted army to gear up with. As well as a great room filled things stolen and raided. Many magic tools buried, as well as relic of the past. This tunnel was looted by brigands who dug up the dirt on the ground as got many treasures. By cause of many humans being taken prisoner and were either dragged or carried in pieces through the tunnel. Many of these people had possessions on themselves, and were dropped during them being taken through the tunnel.

Purpose / Function

Antotimu use this place for a secret underground passage. For spies, ambushes, and as a retreation location.


A spell was cast in 2124, 1st age, to defend the area behind that cave from being attacked by leagues of corrupted creatures. The spellcaster was known as a hero as he cast the spell just a minute before they had broken in. Now the antotimu have no power against it, besides taking years more to dig another.


Wide, long for miles and miles, tunnels. With a paticular type of beam for support, one that the Antotimu know how to make specially, they hold an amazing amount of weight for the amount of wood used. Around the beams are mostly dirt, but there are a few invaulable metal ores and rock strewn about the dirt.


After was put from use by a battle that took place here, many thieves and bandits used as a place of refuge, although unknowingly vulnerable to the reinstatement of the tunnel by the Antotimu.
2124, 1st age. A mage casted a spell that defended from wretched abominations such as those.
Alternative Names
Slinker's Cave

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