Alliskain Species in The Everworld | World Anvil
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In the dark, a spark; sight where you can't see, in the water underground deep.

Written by SuperSolomob422

These are a species of amphibious fish with legs, no I'm not insane. These creatures don't have many things after first hatching, not even eyesight, but slowly gain these as they grow.   They are known throughout the area the live as a menace to travelers, as Alliskain are extremely aggressive, which causes chaos along with the fact that they are amphibious.   But with the many killings of humans the Alliskain cause. Alliskain are hunted quite a bit, evening out the balance, but because of the infestive nature they inhibit they reproduce quickly, and can hide from humans quite well due to their intelligence, and so they are still growing in population.   They are hunted for things such as the light their heads hold, as well as their scales for armor. It's a constant war beholden the hunting of both creatures of each other.

Basic Information


A fish-like beast that has a light attached to it's head by a rod of cartilage, this section of the creature is very sensitive to pain, with there being no scales on that area and many nerve endings as the extension off it's body can also be used as an antenna.

Biological Traits

Legs that can be extended from their body, as well as tough shells that change color with age.

Growth Rate & Stages

They have 5 stages, each with a distinctive look about them. They grow in the respective order. The Surrisk The Nallisk The Baarisk The [Haarisk The [Gaarisk

Ecology and Habitats

A dug out nest on land, down to water most often. But not always. They can be is fresh water or salt water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly meat, but if needed will eat plants in like manner. They collect salt when they can, they have an underwater chamber for it and the salt water can preserve meats, this is also why, even commonly being in fresh water, they can tolerate salt water very well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They have a whole nest with many structures among it. The first being that the Baarisk plan flow of the water to favour them most when an intruder arrives. The Haarisk often plan priorities. When do we need more food? How long should we hunt before we need more workers for the nest? Things like that. The Gaarisk's sole job is to be a bodyguard for the Haarisk of the nest, being 3x the size of a human often hells these beasts quite a bit.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Even with the shell off of the alliskain it will change colors, making it popular for that reason. As well as people using it for classification of the name of the year.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Any land not overtaken by corruption, will change into a corrupted alliskain when attacked with corruption.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A light attached to their head for the deep dark depths of under the water.
Scientific Name
Alliskain Frailourus
20 years. At which age only a Haarisk can live to.
Conservation Status
Growing fast but hunted fast as well. It has very nutritious meat, and flavorful as well.

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