Saelhi Language in The Errant Realm | World Anvil
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Saelhi is the primary language spoken in Seelhia, alongside Common and other racial languages. When you make a character in Seelhia, you can choose to speak either Common or Saelhi as your first language. If you learn an additional language, you may also choose to learn either Common or Saelhi if you do not already know one.

Writing System

Saelhi does not use our world’s Latin script, of course, but one can make an equivalent alphabet using those characters:
o / a / u / e / i / b / v / h / k / l / m / n / ŋ / r / s / t / w


“Hi” is the definite article and is added to the end of a word. For example, “Saelhi” simple means “the language.”


Saelhi has the following consonant and vowel sounds:
Saelhi Consonants and Vowels
  Diphthongs in Saelhi typically start with /a/ or /o/ though there are some exceptions:
ae, ai, ao, au, oi, oe, ou, oa, ia

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