Eamon The Foul Character in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Eamon The Foul

Eamon the Foul was the name given to the offspring of the brother-sister couple Princess Delea and Prince Festius.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the winter of 71 ABA Princess Delea, daughter of Princess Corrin and granddaughter of King Carrion Matheuson was discovered to be pregnant. The discovery of the pregnancy caused much scandal throughout the castle and Princess Corrin was said to be in hysterics when she heard the news of her unwed daughter being with child.   When questioned, Princess Delea would not give up the name of the child's father. For months the princess was questioned regarding the parentage of her unborn child but under no circumstance would the Delea give a name. Rumours began to swirl throughout the castle and though precautions were taken to keep the information contained within the castle, the pot shops and taverns of the city soon got wind of the pregnancy.   In Old Town men boasted of being the one to place their seed in the Princess belly. In the crownlands, a stable boy claimed he had been seduced by the princess. These claims all were empty claims resulting in the tongues of these men being removed. In the spring of 72 ABA the child was born. As a bastard, he was not deemed fit to be named a prince despite the bastard origins of his grandsire. The boy, named Eamon, was scourned by the rest of the Royal Family.
Date of Birth
72 ABA
Date of Death


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