The Calendar of Zesua in The Enchanted Realms of Auria | World Anvil
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The Calendar of Zesua

The calendar of Zesua dates back many years and tracks the passage of time. One day and night is 24 hours long and the year is 18 months long. Each month is roughly 17-25 days long. All the names that are given in quotation marks are translations of the true name, which are TBD.  The months are tracked by the closest satellite to the planet, and the year being marked by 3 passings of the second. The second moon has a full moon in Eye of Storm, Lasting and Hammer of Darkness.
Month Number Name Number of Days
1 "Deep-winter" 23
2 "Hope" 19
3 "Rise" 25
4 "Greatpour" 18
5 "Seed" 22
6 "Eye of Storm" 20
7 "Breeze" 22
8 "Blossom" 19
9 "Cloud-free" 17
10 "High-summer" 25
11 "Turn" 22
12 "Lasting" 19
13 "Drought of Green" 23
14 "Duality" 19
15 "Winds of Change" 22
16 "Colors of Dought" 19
17 "Great Freezing" 23
18 "Hammer of Darkness" 19

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