Bearer of the Burden Character in The Elemental Chaos | World Anvil
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Bearer of the Burden

Let them earn their own place in the world.
When The Eye was created in the midst of the elemental chaos, it is said that the Elemental Lord of Earth held no interest in it. While the other lords squabbled over the world of mortals and what it should hold, it is said, the Bearer of the Burden simply did its part to create the world's foundation and left. What finally drew the attention of this entity is now the core of its tenets: the constant struggle of mortal life.   Above all else, The Bearer is a patron of the material world, but not in a vain sense. It represents mundane life in a world of supernatural forces, with all of its struggles and all of the perseverance it requires. Even more, it values the challenges taken voluntarily, the ceaseless toil to improve and produce. This focus on diligence and skill makes it no surprise that Dwarves resonate strongly with it, helping to make it the second most commonly worshiped lord in civilized lands.   Many prayers and praises of The Bearer relate to mundane fortunes - good harvests, luck in mining, and similar requests. Just as often, such strokes of luck are attributed to it even if no prayer was performed, as what the Lord of Earth truly rewards is the diligent labor itself. At the same time, many natural disasters are considered to be punishments for those who have soiled the hard work of others with sloth. In the tenets of earth, there are few crimes greater than relying upon others without having earned the privilege.   At the same time, these signs are never truly able to be verified as the work of The Bearer of the Burden. As a test of faith, to ensure that its followers always work for their goals, or as a strange practical joke, the Lord of Earth never clearly shows itself. The clearest indicators of its presence would be the resistance to magic that some of its most devoted followers possess, though this too can seem to be uncanny luck or unprecedented willpower. Still, some say that supernatural forces will fade and fail before they even reach the truly faithful.

Divine Domains

Earth, Matter, Duty, Suffering, Fortune, and the Mundane

Tenets of Faith

  • Find the will to put oneself through harsh conditions
  • Through toil, improve and add worth to the world
  • Refuse to back down even in the bleakest circumstances
  • Rely on one's own strength and skill in all things
  • Show others the value of perseverance
  • Respect the efforts and struggles of others

List of Gifts

What is Necessary: This gift provides good fortune to the character, allowing them to find what they need to use their skills to a basic degree. A warrior that has lost their weapon or a craftsmen who has broken their tools will have a higher chance of finding a suitable replacement.
Cost: 5, Requirements: Elan 10   Will and Grit: The gifted character's hardworking spirit becomes contagious. Those working alongside them will be motivated to work longer and harder on whatever tasks they must perform, granting a bonus equal to the character's Elan level to their Athleticism or Withstand Pain to reduce Fatigue loss or the penalties of lost Fatigue.
Cost: 10, Requirements: Elan 20   A Thankless Job: Those who respect the tenets of The Bearer do not seek help from others, and this gift allows them to avoid both the notice and pity of those around them, attracting little attention for their conditions or hard work.
Cost: 5, Requirements: Elan 20   Warding: The whims of The Bearer defy the supernatural, for the truly faithful have no want or need of it. This gift causes any effect that includes the gifted character to increase its Fumble rate by one point for every 20 Elan points the character possesses. This impacts Attack when used for ki techniques, Psychic Potential, Psychic Projection, or Magic Projection as relevant. The ability is always active, regardless of whether the effect would be beneficial for the character.
Cost: 10, Requirements: Elan 30   Endure the Weight: This gift allows the character to eliminate an amount of action penalties equivalent to half the character's Elan level, regardless of source. As such, a character with Elan 40 would reduce a combined AAP of -50 to -30.
Cost: 10, Requirements: Elan 40   Tools to Thrive: Any tool, weapon, or armor the gifted character uses will automatically act as if it has a minimum of +10 Quality, provided they are appropriately skilled in its use. They must have at least 100 in a relevant Ability for this gift to take effect.
Cost: 10, Requirements: Elan 50   Disruption: At this point, the character is so grounded in the mundane that some supernatural effects will fail around them. Spells with a Zeon Value less than their Elan level will simply fail, as will Psychic powers with a Potential lower than twice their Elan level. This effect extends to one meter for every 2 points of Elan the character possesses, and will always act on any supernatural effect when the character is in the radius.
Cost: 15, Requirements: Elan 60, Warding   Best Foot Forward: When faced with hardships that seem to be beyond their limits, the Bearer smiles upon mortals who still struggle. When faced with clearly impossible circumstances, the character will gain a bonus to their relevant abilities; either +10 for Primary combat abilities, or +20 to Secondary Abilities.
Cost: 15, Requirements: Elan 70   Just Rewards: The dedication of the gifted character grants them an opportunity for great fortune. Once per game session for every 20 Elan points the character possesses, they may force one roll to automatically be Open before rolling the dice.
Cost: 15, Requirements: Elan 80   Struggling as One: While those attuned to the Bearer do not accept undue help, those who would willingly struggle alongside them are welcome. They provide the benefits of Endure the Weight to all individuals who work towards the same goals, whether as simple as helping them carry a heavy object or as far-reaching as a war.
Cost: 15, Requirements: Elan 90, Endure the Weight   Grounded Reality: The chosen of The Bearer exemplifies its vision for the world, weakening not only the effects of supernatural powers, but also dampening the very will to use them. Those with a lower Presence will be completely unable to use their supernatural abilities within several kilometers of the Chosen one, while those with higher abilities will still suffer the effects of Disruption and Warding within the same area.
Cost: 10, Requirements: Elan 100, Disruption
Divine Classification
Elemental Lord
Ruled Locations

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