The earthly realm Legend of the Seven Wonders: The Ghost of Dansumun
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Legend of the Seven Wonders: The Ghost of Dansumun

Discovery, Exploration


Dolly faces off against an unknown threat as she travels through the Blue Moon Kingdom

News again quickly spread of the famous Queen of Battle who fought the King of the Bijou and earned his respect. This news and her recent appointment of general for the Bijou caused many to approach her in attempts to join her troop. Though flattered, Dolly refused them all. En route to the Imperial Mainlands to seek an audience with the Queen on Dharc's request, Dolly had to again travel through the Blue Moon Kingdom. During her travels however, she came under attack by a mysterious assailant, who would disappear almost as quick as he attacked. Several times throughout her journey Dolly narrowly managed to escape the mysterious ambushes. When she finally arrived to the capital of the Blue Moon Kingdom, she found herself woozy, a cut from one of the knives having an ill effect upon her. Luckily she finds a herbalist with just the required skill to aid her. Before she can thank her savior however, the herbalist, known as Carlyle turns on her suddenly. Revealing himself as her stalker the last few days, the intense finale with her assailant begins. Despite to Carlyle's superior speed, Dolly somehow comes out on top and ties him up. As the Blue Moon Knights arrive on the scene, her stalker's identity is revealed to be the infamous "Ghost of Dansumun," a notorious serial killer known throughout the country. Something strange about each murder stuck out to Dolly. Before his sentencing, Dolly crept to his cell in the dead of night to speak with him one more time. Carlyle explained he possessed a split personality. During the day it is quite easy for him to keep control, but at night, “The Ripper,” has an easier time taking control of his actions. As a result of him being a herbalist, Carlyle does all he can to right the wrongs he causes, though he is amused he was actually caught, asking Dolly who she is. Both amused and concerned about his condition, Dolly pleads for his release to King Aspen. The condition for his release, was for him to be put in Dolly's service, making her responsible for all of his actions. Although concerned, King Aspen agrees to this. His wife, Queen Celestia, was less willing to oblige however. While King Aspen was known to be kind hearted and a bit of a softy, Queen Celestia was fiery hearted and charismatic. To insure Dolly was prepared to control Carlyle, Celestia proposed a high stakes game of tag between the two of them. Though it was close, in the end Dolly proved victorious. With this win, she not only earned the trust and respect of both King Aspen and Queen Celestia, but she earned an ally in the Ghost of Dansumun.

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