Basilisk Species in The Earthly Realm | World Anvil
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People with reptilian-like features, known who call the lands of Dramyr and Draconia home. Also known as the Serpent Folk.

Basic Information


The Basilisk possess reptilian-like tails and at least partially scaly skin. Their eyes are very sharp, sometimes even slit like a snake's and they have forked tongues. The Basilisk also possess many physical talents. They are very adept swimmers and have the ability to breathe underwater. Some basilisk even possess the ability of camouflage and a healing factor strong enough that some can even regenerate missing limbs.     The basilisk's eyes are more sensitive to light than most people's. Also if their tail should so happen to be cut off, it's said a basilisk's natural senses will be thrown off until it grows back to full maturity.
Related Ethnicities

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