The Voice Character in The Dreamscape | World Anvil
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The Voice

Because my body does not exist except for inside itself. My voice does not exist except for outside my body. That is why it is only now, here in The Dreamscape, that you can hear me speak. I do not fear the patronal demons, nor do I fear anything else in The Dreamscape, because I simply have no reason to.
— "The Voice"
  "The Voice" is a seemingly omnipresent entity in The Dreamscape. It manifests as a deep, disembodied voice. Neither its true identity, nor the location of its body -- if such a thing even does exist -- is not known by anyone except for itself.  
You need not be afraid; it's not like the demons will maul you again.
... What, you didn't like my joke? [sigh] Adolescents can be so uptight.
— "The Voice" to Trydilt
  "The Voice" appears to be a caring entity. It tends to speak calmly, although it can unintentionally come off as somewhat arrogant at times. It does have a dry sense of humor, though, and often laces its speech with puns and wisecracks. When people first get lost in The Dreamscape -- which happens when the Tunnel of Dreams collapses -- "The Voice" usually greets them and explains their situation to them.   It doesn't have much influence over The Dreamscape. About the most influential thing it can do is wake somebody up by shouting at them. It did, however, lead authorities to the Experimenter to finally end his unethical experiments. In this incident it was also able to somehow communicate to the victims of the experiment that was currently being performed.
Likely Male

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