Reality Shift Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Dreamscape | World Anvil
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Reality Shift

When many sufficiently powerful dreams occur simultaneously or in rapid succession, reality can become unstable and breakdown, forming a new Region in the process.


Stage I: Destabilization has very few indicators. The Office of the Dream Keeper will detect an anomaly in the area that is destabilizing.   A telltale sign that destabilization has occurred is when two or more people "share" a dream to the point that they can interact with one another in it.   Stage II: Fog is just as it sounds. The unstable area is enveloped in a moderate to highly dense fog.   Stage III: Dissolution and Reformation manifests as a shockwave that spreads outward, dissolving everything it contacts. A new Region forms in the wake of the shockwave shortly thereafter.


Areas affected are usually constrained to city-sized areas. It is rare that a small town or village will undergo a reality shift.

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