Orghris (god) Character in The Dreamscape | World Anvil
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Orghris (god)


Unlike most other archon gods, Orghris is very real. Many believe him to be behind the Great Nuclear Apocalypse that forced the archons off their home planet. Since the apocalypse, he follows one of the archon ships as it drifts through space to nowhere in particular.   Orghris is one of the uncommon passive sebrebella. He doesn't typically attack ships or living creatures.  

In Archon Mythology

  Orghris was in a constant state of conflict with the Glapospra, the god of good fortune.  

In The Dreamscape

  Orghris was dreamt into existence by the nightmares of many archons in The Dreamscape. There, he maintains his mythological form and personality given his image was created based on the archon folklore. He currently resides in Ghantasm.

Divine Domains


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In archon mythology he takes the form of a large, squid-like archon. A major difference between archons and this depiction of Orghris is that in this depiction, Orghris has a mouth on his head. This mouth is full of incredibly sharp teeth.   Orghris' true form is that of a mid-sized sebrebella. His body is long, splitting off into a twisted, tentacular mess for his head and arms. His body resembles a large, tentacular cross.

Facial Features

Mythologically,: two eyes, a snout, and a mouth full of sharp teeth.   Reality: None

Identifying Characteristics

Mythologically: his body is large, mostly a deep, dull red color with black steaks on it. His size, color, and aforementioned mouth are a dead giveaway that it is him and not some other random archon or archon god.     Reality: Tentacles. Lots and lots of tentacles. He's basically nothing but tentacles.

Personality Characteristics


His curiosity for the archons.



He doesn't speak.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Despair
Mythologically: N/A ; Reality: Male
Ruled Locations

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