Bugbear Species in THE DREAMHUSK | World Anvil
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  • Strength in Numbers - Bugbears receive a +1 to their rolls for every goblin, hobgoblin, or bugbear in their group.
Ability Modifiers
  • +2 to Strength.
  • +1 to Resistance.
  • 17 (Neutral)
  • The bugbear claws their enemy, dealing 1d4 slashing damage.
  • None.
Condition Immunities
  • None.
  • None.
  • D - 12 (+1)
  • R - 14 (+2)
  • E - 9 (-1)
  • A - 8 (-1)
  • M - 17 (+3)
Hit Points
3d8 +Resistance Modifier
  • Common.
  • Athletics.
  • Intimidation.
  • Medium.
  • Average.

Basic Information


Hair: Bugbears grow hair on their scalps, like many other humanoids, though unlike their goblin relatives they also grow plenty of facial and body hair. Their hair tends to grow black, or dark brown, and the most common hairstyles are ponytails and small buns.
Head: Bugbears have long, humanoid faces, typically with a jutting chin and high cheekbones. Their ears protrude from the sides of their heads, and jut wide out, ending in a tip. Unlike the ears of elves, however, bugbears' ears are much wider at the base, and may tilt downwards at the end. It isn't uncommon for bugbears to fill their ears with piercings.
Bugbears grow 32 teeth, but frequently lose these teeth in combat. Their teeth are rather sharp, used in cutting and ripped meat. On their jaw, their incisors grow rather large, appearing to be a sort of tusk (though, not as impressive as the tusks of orcs).
The eyes of bugbears appear to be too large for their face. Their pupils are ovular, and the irises can range in color from black, brown, green, and rarely blue.
Limbs: Bugbears are bipedal, having two plantigrade legs, which they walk on, and two arms.
Their arms are much more muscular than their goblin brethren, and end in prehensile (grasping), five digited hands, with claws on the end of each digit.
Skin: Bugbears are covered in a thick, wrinkly skin. This skin tends to be shades of yellowish-green; however, on occasions it can appear more tan.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction: Bugbears reproduce sexually, and tend to have from one to up to four children in their lifetime.
Gestation Period: The gestation period of bugbears tends to be around two hundred and thirty-four days.

Ecology and Habitats

Temperature: Bugbears prefer temperatures from sixty degrees Fahrenheit to eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
Habitat: Bugbears do well in most habitats, but particularly enjoy suburban locations, as they tend to have abandoned buildings, but a small populace. Abandoned homes, dungeons, temples, and more make for excellent bugbear bases.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Diet: Bugbears are omnivorous, but tend more towards meat, as it is easy to preserve, and has an excellent taste.
Habits: Bugbears typically have around 4 meals a day, and have medium sized portions.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Bugbears can see in the dark as well as in low light conditions.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Attractiveness: For most bugbears, attractiveness is determined by musculature. Though, how many piercings a bugbear has also factors in, as this is a sign of how strong or successful a bugbear is.

Gender Ideals

Gender Ideals: Most bugbears don't care for their appearance, and as such tend to dress more masculinly.

Relationship Ideals

Relationship Ideals: Bugbears don't tend to do well in monogamous relationships, as more often than not they get on the other's nerves too easily.

Average Technological Level

Technology: Unlike their goblin brethren, bugbears don't do as well with mechanical things, and as such tend more towards fighting, and breaking mechanical things.

Common Etiquette Rules

Common Etiquette: Most bugbears have no qualms with how unsanitary they are, and have little to no table manners.

Common Dress Code

Dress Code: Many bugbears prefer strong, leather armor over anything else.
Ornamentation: Bugbears show off their strength and success through the number of piercings they have, so seeing bugbears with their ears pierced isn't uncommon. Aside from this, bugbears also tend towards necklaces, bracelets, and even metal-capped teeth.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Interspecies Relations: It isn't uncommon for bugbears to have prejudice against other species (especially elves), though, some lone bugbears may seek out partners of other species.
26 to 37 years.
Average Height
4'11" ft.
Average Weight
109 to 142 lbs.
Average Physique

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