The Fire Coast Geographic Location in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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The Fire Coast

This is the stretch of coast on the southern portion of the Midlands along the Gilded Sea.  It is named for the climate in the area along with the volcanic activity that was also prevalent there.  Most of the major volcanoes within the coast have been dormant for centuries, many believe this occurred when the djinn rulers were ousted and the plane touched children were freed from their rule, but the tales have been lost to time and become myths.   The area boats beautiful beaches and is a frequented area for recreation by those who dwell within the Midlands.


The area is dominated by beautiful white beaches along with beaches of ebony near the volcanic mountain range to the western end of the coast.


The Fire Coast is a "hot-spot" for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of every day life in the Midlands and is full of those looking to get away and relax for a spell.
Coast / Shore
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Owning Organization

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