Mara Settlement in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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Mara (Mar-Ah)

Situated in the Midlands - a realm far to the east of the Greenwold - Mara acted as the crossroads of the world in its heyday, connecting merchants and travelers from many lands.   These days, the once great city of Mara has fallen in its fortunes, a sad shadow of its former self, however the Old Trade Road persists. The young and daring can still be found starting out their journey from the Heroes’ Gate in the city, ready for fresh adventure and new horizons.


Primarily human with a small population of elves make up the permanent residents of this once great city.  There are various other races however who use the city as a stopping point along the Long Road.


Governed by a city council and an Bürgermeister or Mayor that is appointed by the councilors.  The city council is elected by the citizens of the city.   The city of Mara enjoys a fair amount of autonomy, but is also part of the Midland Sovereignty and enjoys the benefits associated with that.


Artist's Ward

  • Winio's Pottery: The workshop of a male human potter named Winio, who knows the secret of an alchemical clay which burns with a cold light.
  • Elardard's Masonry: A cluttered stonemason's workshop, built around a shrine of Rethilda, Lady of Earth.
  • The Shrine of Agald: A stone column engraved with the holy symbol of Agald, God of Resurrection, said to reveal visions to those who leave an offering.

Court Borough

  • Mega's Masonry: A modest stonemason's workshop, said to be guarded by living gargoyles.
  • The Guildhall: An ornate building of timber and brick walls, decorated with stained glass windows. It contains a large meeting hall and several smaller rooms, and is shared amongst several local trade guilds.
  • The Warrior's Tavern: A grand dwarven inn, kept by a retired knight named Ekis


  • Contains the council chambers and office of the Bürgermeister.
Location under
Owning Organization

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